Seven years ago, my body turned against me. At least that’s what it felt like. It was as if a war was slowing beginning to rage inside me.
My body was angry. It was sick. It was tired.
If fact, I felt like it wasn’t even my body at all anymore, it was like a complete stranger. I didn’t understand it. It scared me. I wanted my old body back.
Why is this happening? What did I do? Why is my body turning against me?
Maybe you’ve felt this way – trapped inside an illness-ridden body you just don’t understand anymore.
Maybe you’ve felt hopeless, afraid, frustrated about your health?
Maybe you have a child, or a spouse, or another loved one, who is experiencing a battle with their health – allergies, illness, pain?
Maybe your health is good, yet you worry – will it always be? What can I do to safeguard my health? And what about my family’s health – can I really do something to make a difference?
With so many toxins in our environment, a broken food system that falsely elevates processed and refined foods as wholesome, and “popping a pill” as the cultural norm for treating illness, it can be completely overwhelming to figure out just HOW to take control of your health (and your family’s).
How do I find the path that leads to better health? What steps do I take first on my healthy living journey? Who can really help me?
These questions and MORE played over and over again in my mind as I prayed to the Lord – “help me know what I should do?” There has to be a better way!
Thankfully, the Lord brought precious PEOPLE into my life who taught me about true health – centered on eating the foods God created to nourish us and using the natural remedies He created for healing.

The picture above is me and my family (on left) with our dear friends Rich and Annie from One Body for Christ. They graciously took me under their wing and helped to set me on the path to healthy living.
Of course, the people God has placed in my life have come in all forms – some have been tangible friends that I can meet with over a cup of tea and tap into their wisdom in person. While many, many others have come in the form of online friends who speak to me through their books and blogs.
We all need GOOD FRIENDS! We all need HELP! We all need each other!
That’s the lesson I learned that helped me to begin making great strides in my own personal healthy living journey. It was the realization that there are so many on this same journey who are farther along than I – who have so many resources to help! This knowledge gave me the courage and hope to wrap my trembling arms around my weak, sick body and say … “it’s okay, we’re going to figure this out together with a little help from our friends, and our gracious Lord!”
So, dear reader-friends, when I get just a wee-bit overly enthusiastic about amazing resources like The Ultimate Healthy Living Bundle, it’s because I’ve personally experienced the power of knowledge – of gaining insight from the wisdom of others … of realizing we’re not alone in our health struggles, or in our desire to see our families live healthier!
Tapping into the minds of those who have walked the path of healthy living and who are willing to teach us from their experience and wisdom is an amazing BLESSING!
I can’t think of where we could possibly get a better collection of healthy living resources to educate, inspire, motivate and encourage us at such an affordable price. That’ why I promote The Ultimate Healthy Living Bundle each year.
Please note, THIS SALE HAS ENDED. But please do read more about my story in the ABOUT THE NOURISHING HOME section of this site. Thank you!
This library of healthy living resources is one I personally use and recommend because it covers so many important topics that answer so many of those questions churning round-n-round in our minds and in our hearts.
From 70+ eBooks to 7 eCourses to $200 in free products, there is no stone left unturned in this bundle. To help you see what I mean, I’ve included an overview below of the resources provided in The Ultimate Healthy Living Bundle.
Again, it’s like having a ton of wise FRIENDS sitting right there with you, talking you through what it really means to live a healthy, nourishing life.
As someone who has personally walked the often rocky, twisty-turny, uphill path from chronic pain and illness to a healthier more joyful life, I can tell you that we all need a little (sometimes A LOT) of HELP to get there.
Will The Ultimate Healthy Living Bundle lead you to “the ultimate perfect life?” – No, only Jesus Christ truly provides us with the hope and means to experience the perfect life yet to come.
But I can promise you that resources like these can empower you to take positive steps forward in your healthy living journey and each step forward will ultimately make a real difference in your health today and in the years to come!
How can The Ultimate Healthy Living Bundle help YOU and YOUR FAMILY?
The Ultimate Library
With more than 70 eBooks on a variety of healthy living topics, you’ll have a complete library of healthy living resources right at your fingertips, including …
• Real Food Cookbooks
• Special Diet Cookbooks (Gluten-Free, Grain-Free & Allergy-Friendly)
• Meal Planning & Budgeting
• Healthy Children
• Alternative Health & Home Remedies
• Fitness
• Gardening & Homesteading
• Green Cleaning
• Natural Beauty & Skincare
The Ultimate Online Classes
With more than a half-dozen online classes, there is so much helpful information we can all learn about important healthy living topics such as saving money on real food, how to use essential oils and herbs, and how to cleanse the body using real foods.
The Ultimate Bonus Products
And of course, there are some pretty AWESOME bonus offers – $200 in free healthy living products – that come with this year’s bundle!
Again, there are more than $1,000 of healthy living resources provided in this year’s bundle for just $29.
So if you’re looking for some much-needed help to spur you on and empower you in your own healthy living journey, this bundle may very well be the most life-changing purchase you’ll make this year.
Thank you!
Thank you for allowing me to share just a little about my own health journey. I hope to share more details soon, Lord willing, with the hope that it will inspire others to trust in Christ more as they struggle with taking charge of their health. Because ultimately, true health and healing comes from the Lord and although He gives us wisdom and discernment to make wise choices about our health, let’s never forget to rest in Him and His perfect grace!
Joyfully serving HIM (and you), Kelly
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