As the year comes to a close, I wanted to take a moment to thank the Lord and to thank YOU, my dear reader-friends. I am thankful to God for allowing me to share my passion for living a more nourished life with YOU, and pray that this site encourages and inspires the whole you – both body and soul!
If you have received encouragement from your time spent here, may I ask you a favor? May I get to know you better by asking you a few simple questions?
My goal for 2014 is to better serve YOU and your family by providing more of what YOU want as you strive to build a more nourishing home.
Just a few minutes of your time to answer a few questions on this simple Reader Survey is all I need to serve you even better in the New Year! And to thank you, I’m providing a $50 Amazon Gift Card Giveaway!
I promise, this Reader Survey will only take a moment and it will truly help me to provide more recipes, healthy cooking tips and techniques, nutrition information and overall encouragement and resources to better help you in your journey to a more nourished life.
You can either complete the form embedded below, or complete it here. Please only complete the reader survey ONCE, as only one entry per person is permitted for the $50 Amazon Gift Card Giveaway.
2014 is going to be an amazing New Year here at The Nourishing Home! I can’t wait to share with you some of the wonderful new recipes and healthy living resources that I’m already hard at work on!
So thank you again for taking the time to answer the 2013 Reader Survey and for being an important part of the community here at The Nourishing Home.
May God bless you and your family with a joy-filled CHRISTmas and a New Year full of His abundant love, mercy and grace!
Joyfully Serving HIM (and you!), Kelly
(One Amazon Gift Card winner will be selected and announced here on January 10, 2014 and will be contacted directly via email.)
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