The Bundle Sale has ENDED, but it’s impact certainly has not …I am praising God that together we raised $963.08 for those most in need across the globe. These funds are the result of your generous heart in choosing to be blessing to others by purchasing the health living bundle here at The Nourishing Home. Thank you so much!
It’s time for the The Ultimate Healthy Living Bundle sale (now through Sat, Nov 9 only) and if that’s not exciting enough, I’ve got two more amazing reasons to get fired-up … (this post contains affiliate links)
1. You Can Make a Difference!
With your help, together we can literally change the lives of our neighbors across the globe! That’s because I’ve committed to give 50% of all proceeds I receive from The Ultimate Healthy Living Bundle to Samaritan’s Purse to meet the needs of children and families across the globe – to help provide clean water, wholesome food, education and most important, the opportunity to learn of God’s love and plan of salvation through Jesus Christ.
So if you’re excited about all of the many books, freebies and resources this amazing bundle sale has to offer (see details below), then why not opt to purchase it here at The Nourishing Home. Because if you do, you will be partnering with me to make a difference in the physical and spiritual health of others by being a part of the contribution I will be making to Samaritan’s Purse. (Read more about this partnership here.)
I’ve partnered with a few of my natural living blogger-friends to provide you with the opportunity to WIN A Brand New KINDLE FIRE HD!
What better way to read all of your new eBooks in this amazing bundle than with the latest state-of-the-art eBook reader.
So be sure to enter for your chance to win below! (Details on the giveaway are located below.)
What’s included in “The Ultimate Healthy Living Bundle Sale?”
We took 86 eBooks by popular bloggers on topics like real food & recipes, green living, natural cleaning and beauty, mental and emotional health, fitness, herbal remedies and more.
Then we added the brand new “Coffee Table Conversations,” a 12-week series of author mentorship through interactive online conference calls and private support groups that help to build community and strong networks of support.
We finished it off with 9 bonus sponsors offering you $150+ of incredible products and services to help you along your way. This includes bonuses like $25.98 of FREE eco-friendly laundry detergent from Dizolve (because we all need clean clothes). This bonus alone nearly makes up for the entire cost of the bundle!
How Much Does the Bundle Cost?
Definition of Ultimate: Maximum; decisive; conclusive. The best or most extreme of its kind.
We wouldn’t call it the “ultimate” bundle if it wasn’t true.
As our hard-working team pulled together the Ultimate Healthy Living 2013 Bundle Sale, we had three basic goals: To put a comprehensive health library at your fingertips, to offer something for everyone, and to provide so much value for an itty-bitty price that it would be irresistible.
In a nutshell? This bundle is brimming with more than 80 ebook and ecourse resources, from authors and bloggers known as authorities in their fields.
For less than $30, you can pick up your own bundle complete with more than $800 of ebooks, $67 of interactive “coffee table conversations” with their authors, and $158 of products and services to help you on your way toward healthier living. That’s over a $1,000 value!
But you don’t want to wait! This bundle is available for only 6 days, from 8 a.m. (EST) on Monday, November 4th to 11:59pm (EST) on Saturday, November 9th. Get yours now for just $29.97!
What’s Included in the eBook Library? ($800+ value)
Real Food Cookbooks
- The Breakfast Revolution by Beth @ Red and Honey ($8.95)
- The Veggie Book by Danielle, Sara, and Debra @ More Than Four Walls, Your Thriving Family, and Sweet Kisses and Dirty Dishes ($9.95)
- Much Ado About Chicken by Debra @ Sweet Kisses and Dirty Dishes ($8.95)
- Nourishing Cookies for a Healthy Holiday by Diana @ My Humble Kitchen ($4.99)
- Wholesome Comfort by Kate @ Modern Alternative Mama ($8.95)
- Better Than A Box by Katie @ Kitchen Stewardship ($16.95)
- Steeped: Simple Nourishing Teas and Treats by Katie @ Nourishing Simplicity ($9.95)
- Easy and Healthy Slow Cooker Recipes by Kelly @ New Leaf Wellness ($5.99)
- 15-Minute Freezer Recipes by Kelly @ New Leaf Wellness ($5.99)
- Healthy Ice Pops and Frozen Treats @ The Nourishing Home ($4.99)
- Fresh: Nourishing Salads for All Seasons by Kimberly @ The Nourishing Gourmet ($18.99)
- Whole Breakfasts and Breads by Rachel @ Titus 2 Homemaker ($2.99)
- Eat This: Meal Salads & Whole Food Dressings by Renee @ FIMBY ($4.99)
- Simple. Healthy. Tasty. by Tammie @ Simple. Healthy. Tasty. ($9.95)
- High Protein, No Powder: Protein Bars and Smoothies Made with Real Food by Tiffany @ Don’t Waste the Crumbs ($8.00)
- Dehydrating by Wardee @ GNOWFGLINS ($20.00)
Allergy-Friendly/Special Diets
- Baking with Quinoa by Alyssa @ Queen of Quinoa ($7.99)
- Family Friendly Allergen-Free by Kerry Ann @ Intentionally Domestic ($14.95)
- Affordable Gluten Free Dinners by Kimberlee @ The Peaceful Mom ($5.95)
- Sweet Freedom: Desserts You’ll Love without Wheat, Eggs, Dairy or Refined Sugars by Ricki @ Ricki Heller ($14.95)
- Weeding Out Wheat by Luke and Trisha @ Intoxicated on Life ($14.95)
Menu Planning/Meal Prep
- Meals ePlanner by Jennifer @ List Plan It ($5.00)
- Cottage Mama Plans Her Spring Menu by Kristy @ Little Natural Cottage ($3.95)
- Cottage Mama Plans Her Homeschool Menu by Kristy @ Little Natural Cottage ($3.95)
- Cottage Mama Plans Her Summer Menu by Kristy @ Little Natural Cottage ($3.95)
- 40 Real Food Weekly Menu Plan Ideas Packet by Laura @ Heavenly Homemakers ($5.00)
Natural Skincare
- Salve Made Simple by Jennifer @ Hybrid Rasta Mama ($7.95)
- My Buttered Life: Personal Care edition by Renee @ MadeOn Skin Care ($5.00)
- Natural Beauty Guide by Katie @ Wellness Mama ($14.00)
- Homemade Health & Beauty: 21 Simple Do-It-Yourself Recipes for Products You Use Everyday by Sandra @ The Sensible Mom ($4.99)
Natural Health
- The {essential} Oiler’s Handbook compiled by Organic Collective Media @ Naturally His ($9.99)
- Easy Health For Busy Moms by Kelly @ Generation Cedar ($4.97)
- Common Sense Health by Laurie @ Common Sense Homesteading ($8.95)
- Using Essential Oils Safely by Lea @ Learning About EOs ($6.99)
- A Beginner’s Guide to Assembling a Natural Medicine Cabinet by Marci @ Thankful Homemaker ($2.99)
- Essential Chefs: A Beginner’s Guide to Using Essential Oils in Your Kitchen by Mary and Kayla @ The Encouraging Home and Kayla Howard ($27.00)
- Herbal Adventures: A Pocket Guide of Seasonal Natural Remedies by Michele @ Frugal Granola ($6.50)
- Mother’s Little Herbal Helper and Home Remedies by Natalie @ The Family Herbalist ($12.50)
- Herbal Remedies for Children During the Cold and Flu Season by Rosalee @ Herbal Remedies Advice ($19.99)
- Questions to Ask Your Dentist by Will and Susan @ OraWellness ($29.00)
Healthy Lifestyle
- Finding Joy in Depression by Amanda @ The Pelsers ($4.99)
- Find Your Balance by Bernice @ The Stressed Mom ($4.99)
- A Simple Marriage by Corey @ Simple Marriage ($4.99)
- 21 Days to a More Disciplined Life by Crystal @ Money Saving Mom ($4.99)
- The Refresh Book by Hayley and Jessi @ The Influence Conference and naptime diaries ($7.99)
- Personal ePlanner by Jennifer @ List Plan It ($5.00)
- 7 Days to Calm: a guided video course by Lisa @ WellGrounded Life ($37.00)
- The UnWired Mom by Sarah Mae @ Sarah Mae ($4.99)
- 31 Days to Great Sex by Sheila @ To Love, Honor and Vacuum ($4.99)
- One Bite at a Time by Tsh @ Simple Mom ($5.00)
- A Simpler Season by Jessica @ Life As Mom ($9.00)
- Energy Explosion: A 7 Day Guide to Jump Start Your Energy by Arabah @ Arabah Joy ($2.99)
- 42 Days to Fit by Brandy, Stacy, and Emma @ The Marathon Mom, A Delightful Home, and Better With Cake ($4.99)
- Fat Proof Your Kids by Terri @ The Laundry Moms ($2.99)
- A Fat-Proof Meal Plan by Terri @ The Laundry Moms ($2.99)
- The Gardening Notebook by Angi @ SchneiderPeeps ($9.95)
- From Garbage to Gourmet by Carrie @ Colorado Bargains Network ($9.99)
- Apartment Gardening by Jami @ Young Wife’s Guide ($5.95)
- How to Grow and Use Culinary Herbs by Olivia @ Teaching Good Things ($4.97)
- Emergency Preparedness by Toni @ A Bowl Full of Lemons ($10.00)
Green Living
- Green Your Life: A Guide to Natural, Eco-Friendly Living by Emily @ Live Renewed ($8.99)
- Accidentally Green by Hilary @ Accidentally Green ($2.99)
- Clean, Naturally! by Kresha @ Nourishing Joy ($4.99)
- Simple & Natural Green Cleaning Guide by Stacy @ A Delightful Home ($2.99)
- DIY Natural Household Cleaners: How To Make Your Own Cleaners Naturally by Matt and Betsy @ DIYNatural ($9.99)
Special Health Concerns
- Sugar Detox Challenge by Donielle @ Natural Fertility and Wellness ($4.95)
- Eat Your Way to Parenthood by Gabriela @ Natural Fertility Breakthrough ($35.00)
- Farewell, Fatigue by MaryEllen @ Imperfect Homemaker ($6.99)
- Pain Redeemed: when our deepest sorrows meet God by Natasha @ natasha metzler ($4.99)
- Healing Candida with Food by Paula @ Whole Intentions ($17.95)
- The 60 Day Juice Fast by Steve @ The Male Domain ($2.99)
- Infertility: a Silent Suffering and a God Who Hears by Whitney @ Beauty in the Mess ($2.99)
Healthy Kids & Babies
- Love Your Mayhem by Amy @ Adorable Chaos ($3.99)
- Winter Nature Study – Outdoor Hour Challenge by Barbara @ Handbook of Nature Study ($8.95)
- Early Potty Teaching: A Natural and Gentle Way to Potty Train Your Little One by Becky @ Purposeful Homemaking ($3.99)
- Adventures With Kids! In the Kitchen by Chara @ Stitching Hearts Together ($14.95)
- Confessions of a Cloth Diaper Convert by Erin @ The Humbled Homemaker ($12.50)
- Warning: I Throw Food—A Comprehensive Guide to Natural Homemade Baby Food by Jami @ Young Wife’s Guide ($9.99)
- Parent’s Playbook for Learning by Jen @ Kidzmet ($3.99)
- Creative Ways to Calm Your Baby by Justyn @ Creative Christian Mama ($6.99)
- Fearless Birth by Kristen @ Natural Birth and Baby ($17.00)
- My Pregnancy Journey by Mindy @ Simply Designs ($10.00)
- Natural Birth Stories: The Real Mom’s Guide to an Empowering Natural Birth by Shannon @ GrowingSlower ($9.95)
- Shield: A Framework of Self-Care for Foster and Adoptive Families by Sharla @ The Chaos and The Clutter ($3.00)
Learning About Real/Whole Foods
- Real Food for the Real Homemaker by Jami, Elsie, and Jamie @ Young Wife’s Guide, Richly Rooted, and Jaimie Ramsey ($12.95)
- A Practical Guide to Real Food for Women Who Love to Eat & Want to Lose Weight by Kayla @ Kayla Howard ($27.00)
- Real Food on a Real Budget by Stephanie @ Keeper of the Home ($18.97)
What are Coffee Table Conversations? ($67 value)
For 12 weeks starting in January 2014, we’ll offer a series of weekly one-hour live conference calls, where you can join in and ask your questions on relevant and timely healthy living topics to a panel of eBook authors. We’ll look at issues like allergy-friendly cooking, fighting fatigue (and finding energy!), eating well on a tight budget, an introduction to alternative health and herbal remedies, and tips and tricks for making real food in less time. You’ll be able to listen to authors converse with each other on any (or all) of the 12 calls that you choose to take part in, and get answers to your questions in real time!
We’ll also provide a private Facebook group, where that week’s “mentors” will pop in as often as they can and chat with you on the topics at hand. Talk about up-close and personal learning!
What are the Healthy Living Bonus Offers? ($150+ value)
- Dizolve—A FREE 128 Load Twin-Pack of Dizolve Natural Laundry Detergent. Dizolve laundry detergent strips are an innovative, phosphate-free way to clean your clothes. ($25.98 Value. Standard shipping rates apply. Limited to the first 5,000.)
- Bulk Herb Store—An instant download of their instructional video Making Herbs Simple Volume 1 for only 1 cent. ($14.95 Value. No shipping restrictions.)
- Wise Choice Market—A FREE $15 store credit to be used at Wise Choice Market on the Finest Real Food around, including traditionally-made bone broths, organic fermented vegetables, wild salmon, sprouted breads, and many more. ($15.00 Value. Standard shipping rates and restrictions apply.)
- Fit2Be Studio—A FREE Two-Month Membership to Fit2B Studio (for new members) where their wholesome workouts for the whole family are TummySafe™and particularly target Diastasis Recti. Current members may apply the coupon code for $20 off a 1-year membership. ($19.98 value. No shipping restrictions.)
- Jenuinely Pure—A $15 discount off of any $30 order to be used at Jenuinely Pure on the beautifully-crafted natural skincare products. Make the switch to natural skincare with Jenuinely Pure. ($15.00 Value. Standard shipping rates apply.)
- Plan To Eat—A FREE 4-Month subscription. Plan to Eat is an online menu planner that uses your recipes scheduled when you want them — and they make your grocery list! ($19.80 value. No shipping restrictions. New accounts only. Offer expires Dec.15)
- TrilLight Health—FREE $15 store credit to be used toward Trilight Health‘s Fast-Acting, Great Tasting Liquid Herbal Formulas, or anything else in their store. ($15.00 Value. Standard shipping rates apply.)
- List Planit—Your choice of 3 FREE ePlanners OR a 3-Month FREE Trial Membership to ListPlanIt, where you can organize your life with hundreds of lists that you can create and manage at home or on the go. ($15.00 value. No shipping restrictions.)
- Cultures for Health—A FREE sourdough or kombucha starter from Cultures For Health PLUS a $5 credit to put toward anything else in store. (up to a $17.95 Value. Both the starter and the $5 credit can be used in the same order! Standard shipping rates apply.)
Other important stuff you might want to know…
- You may also use PayPal to place an order for this bundle sale.
- Be sure to read the fine print. The details matter!
- Check out our Frequently Asked Question page, particularly to learn about file types, how downloading works, transferring to eReader devices, redeeming bonus offers, and all that good stuff.
- Remember, this bundle is available for only 6 days, from 8 a.m. (EST) on Monday, November 4th to 11:59pm (EST) on Saturday, November 9th.
- Affiliate disclaimer: Remember, I’ve committed to give 50% of ALL PROCEEDS I receive from this bundle sale to Samaritan’s Purse. The remaining proceeds will go to support the costs associated with running The Nourishing Home website, so I can continue to provide you and your family with free healthy whole food meal plans, real food recipes, helpful resources and more! Thank you in advance for your support!
24 Healthy Living Bloggers have joined forces to provide you with an opportunity to Win a Brand New KINDLE FIRE!
Please note: This Giveaway does NOT include the amazing healthy living bundle on sale now through Sat, Nov 9. So if you don’t want to miss out on the amazing bundle sale, be sure to purchase before the sale ends.
I’d love to win this and use the meal planning/prep books to make the process more efficient!
Hi, Kaci. I wish I could enter to win this Kindle myself. LOL! It’s awesome! Thanks for your support. I truly appreciate you partnering with me to make a difference in the lives of those in need. I pray this bundle will be a blessing to you! 🙂 Kelly
I want the books on dehydrating…that is the next appliance I will be purchasing.
Thanks for your support, Megan! I truly appreciate it and hope you enjoy the dehydrating books and others, as well as all of the freebies and resources! Appreciate you partnering with me to make a difference in the lives of those most in need. Blessings, Kelly 🙂
Farewell Fatigue
Just prayed for you, Amy! May God bless you! Thank you for partnering with me to make a difference in the lives of those most in need. I pray the fatigue you’ve been experiencing disappears! Blessings, Kelly 🙂
Thank you!
I bought the bundle! I’m excited about the natural skin care and pregnancy series especially.
Thanks for your support, Megan! I truly appreciate it and hope you enjoy all the books, freebies and resources! Appreciate you partnering with me to make a difference in the lives of those most in need. Blessings, Kelly 🙂
There are several books I’m excited to read. They all look great. Right now, I’m thinking of the book by Kayla Howard about losing weight.
I agree, CW! There are so many great books in this collection. As for the ones that don’t pertain, you can always gift those to friends and family. Thanks for your support! Blessings, Kelly 🙂
I am excited for the Find Your Balance ebook. That’s one thing I definitely need to work on since I am homeschooling 5 children and going back to finish my B.S. in Computer Science at the same time!
Hi, Desiree. You certainly do have a lot on your plate. Congrats on going back to school and all that while homeschooling 5 kiddos. You are superwoman! 🙂 Thanks for your support. I truly appreciate you partnering with me to make a difference in the lives of those in need. I pray this bundle will be a blessing to you! 🙂 Kelly
What an amazing bundle of products – and a great giveaway to boot!
Thanks, Kelly! I appreciate your kind words! Hope you’ll partner with me, should you choose to purchase the bundle! I’m excited to see what the Lord will do to help us bless others. 🙂
I would love the Allergy Family cookbook, just starting down the food allergy road here and think it might help.
Awesome, Amanda! There are so many great books in this bundle, as well as the freebies and online interactive support. I hope you’ll partner with me to help those in need, should you choose to purchase this. Blessings, Kelly 🙂
What a fantastic bundle!!
Thanks, Diana! I agree! I appreciate your support and partnership! Many blessings to you, Kelly 🙂
Cottage Mama Plans Her Homeschool Menu. I always need help with menu planning!
There are some great meal planning books in this bundle as well as so many other helpful books and resources, like a free 4-month subscription to Plan to Eat. Thank you for your support in partnering with me, should you choose to purchase this bundle here. Blessings, Kelly 🙂
I cant wait to buy this awesome bundle!
Thanks, Amanda! I appreciate you partnering with me to make a difference in the lives of others. I pray this bundle brings you many blessings! And don’t forget to enter the Kindle Fire giveaway too! Blessings, Kelly 🙂
the meal planning books look great!
Hi, Michelle! I agree. There are a lot of wonderful books and resources in this bundle, which is why I’m excited to be a part of it and to partner with you to help make a difference in the lives of others. Truly appreciate your support! May this bundle be a huge blessing to you and your family. 🙂 Blessings, Kelly
Since you’ll be giving half the profits to Samaritan’s Purse, you’ll be my source for buying this bundle. Thanks for your generosity!
Hi, Donna! Thanks for partnering with me to make a difference in the lives of others! I pray these books help you and your family! I appreciate your support! Many blessings to you, 🙂 Kelly
I’m most interested in reading the book on fertility to get some ideas of things to do to help get pregnant again.
I pray these books help you and that the Lord will bless you with a little one soon! Thanks for partnering with me to make a difference in the lives of others! Many blessings to you! 🙂 Kelly
I love that you’re giving to Samaritan’s Purse!!! I believe it is a wonderful organization! Bless you for that!!
I also hope that you will check out my blog that I’m writing for Conservative Christian Moms:
You are encouraging this VERY unhealthy eater to change my habits so that my children grow up with good habits…I know people say to “just do it,” but it’s honestly hard when you don’t even know where to begin finding foods you like that are healthy! Thank you for your ministry AND for this great opportunity of a giveaway! 🙂
Thanks, Lindy. I pray these resources bless you and your family. Thank you for partnering with me to help make a difference in the lives of others. And I will pop over to check out your blog. Appreciate your kind encouraging words! Many blessings to you, Kelly 🙂
I have recently become concerned with the amount of wheat based meals in our diet. So the Weeding Out Wheat sounds intriguing. But that is just one of many I am interested in. Thanks!
I agree, Tonya! Wheat can be an issue for many and there are a lot of great books in this collection. I pray they bless you and your family. Thank you for partnering with me to help make a difference in the lives of others. Many blessings to you, Kelly 🙂
Your blog is a blessing and inspiration! My family is eating better and the meal plans take something off my plate. Thank you for all you do, Kelly!
Thank you so much for your kind words, Heather! You are so welcome! I pray this bundle brings many blessings to you and your family. Thank you for partnering with me to make a difference in the lives of our neighbors across the globe. Blessings, Kelly 🙂
I would love to read High Protein, No Powder: Protein Bars and Smoothies Made with Real Food.
I’m on a very strict diet and I sometimes feel that my protein intake is lacking. I’ve been eating Clif bars for lunch but I would much prefer to make my own!
Hi, Cordella. That’s a great book. The author is a personal friend of mine and I can tell you it’s truly a helpful resource! I pray this bundle brings many blessings to you and your family. Thank you for partnering with me to make a difference in the lives of our neighbors across the globe. Blessings, Kelly 🙂
I would love to read my new books on a Kindle! Thanks for all you do to help my family live a more nourished life!
Hi, Amy! You are so welcome! I pray this bundle brings many blessings to you and your family. Thank you for partnering with me to make a difference in the lives of our neighbors across the globe. Blessings, Kelly 🙂
The Unwired Mom sounds interesting, but really I can’t wait to read all of them! I’ve bought several healthy living book bundles and I’d like to have a device to read all of them on 🙂
Hi, Jamie! Thanks for partnering with me to make a difference in the lives of others. Best wishes that your entry is the winner. Blessings, Kelly 🙂
Oh my, there are so many I would want!! The Top 3 (right now, subject to change at any notice, haha) would be the Easy Health for Busy Moms, because frankly, I am WAY more busy than I probably should be, but it’s the way things have to be for now. 🙁 Also, Herbal Remedies for children for the coughs and colds (paraphrased title, sorry) because I am not keen on antibiotics thrown at everything like the medical community tends to want to do, and 42 Days to Fit, because, honestly? Who DOESN’T want to be fit?!?! 🙂 I just hope I could do it in 42 days – maybe if I had that one and the busy mom book in sync, I actually could get it done. Haha
I hear you, Shari! That’s the great thing about this bundle … so many great books and resources for such a great price! And what a joy that we can partner together to make a difference too! Thanks for your sweet note! I pray this bundle blesses you and your family! In HIM, Kelly 🙂
I would love to read the new books on a Kindle – I am always on the go 🙂 Thanks for all you do and all the information you provide helps make keeping the fams healthier – alwaysa good thing!
God Bless
Kerry Ann
You are so welcome, Kerry Ann. Thank you for your kind words. And thank you for partnering with me to make a difference in the lives of others. May God bless you, Kelly 🙂
Would love to win this!!!
Thanks for your note! Best wishes to you! Thank you for partnering with me to help make a difference in the lives of others! 🙂 Blessings, Kelly
I want the one about whole food smoothies and protein bars….since bars are so expensive and so is protein powder so I would love to get that book to learn how to make my own.
Yes, Lori! That is a really great book by my friend Tiffany (she posts here monthly). It’s full of great information and recipes. So I’m sure you’ll love it! I appreciate you partnering with me to make a difference in the lives of others. Blessings to you, Kelly
Great bundle!!! And great giveaway!
Also, I’d love to read whole foods group of books. Looks like a great read. My family of 4 is working on healthy eating.
Yes, Michelle. The books in this package are the best ever for helping families to eat and live healthier. What a blessing for us to be able to benefit from all these amazing healthy living resources and in turn be able to share the blessing by giving back to others. Blessings to you, Kelly
Thanks, Michelle! I appreciate you partnering with me to make a difference in the lives of others. What a blessing for us to be able to benefit from all these amazing healthy living resources and in turn be able to share the blessing by giving back to others. Blessings to you, Kelly
Wow ~ some really great books ~ not sure where I would start.
We have been dehydratimg some new things this year ~ apples going right now♥
Would love another great cookbook, home remidies for children ~ always good to keep reading about …see so many thanks for the giveaway and would read whatever could put on the kindle too!!!
Hi, Shannon. Just want to be sure to clarify that this giveaway is a kindle only, not the book bundle. 🙂 I hope you will consider purchasing the bundle. I appreciate you partnering with me to make a difference in the lives of others. What a blessing for us to be able to benefit from all these amazing healthy living resources and in turn be able to share the blessing by giving back to others. Blessings to you, Kelly
I am really interested in the natural health remedies and getting away from using drugstore medicine for colds. Thanks for the bundle!
Hi, Anne! I appreciate you partnering with me to make a difference in the lives of others. What a blessing for us to be able to benefit from all these amazing healthy living resources and in turn be able to share the blessing by giving back to others. Blessings to you, Kelly
I would love to win this!
Thanks, Michelle! I appreciate you partnering with me to make a difference in the lives of others. What a blessing for us to be able to benefit from all these amazing healthy living resources and in turn be able to share the blessing by giving back to others. Blessings to you, Kelly
I’d be interested in the infertility book, and the Simpler Season book!
Plus all those great meal planners – I love to organize!
Hi, Julie! This is certainly a great bundle for organizers! I appreciate you partnering with me to make a difference in the lives of others. What a blessing for us to be able to benefit from all these amazing healthy living resources and in turn be able to share the blessing by giving back to others. Blessings to you, Kelly
The Healthy Kitchen bundle appeals most to me. I would be intrested in Dehydrating by Wardee @ GNOWFGLINS
Now I just need the Kindle…..
Thanks, Carolsue! I appreciate you partnering with me to make a difference in the lives of others. What a blessing for us to be able to benefit from all these amazing healthy living resources and in turn be able to share the blessing by giving back to others. Blessings to you, Kelly
I really love the books listed under Natural Health & Sustainability. What a great collection in all categories! What a wonderful way to add more brain cells. Thank you so much for the chance to win.
Hi, Lori. Just to clarify, the bundle is not included in the kindle giveaway. So if you’re digging all these amazing books, I hope you’ll partner with me in purchasing here, so we can make a difference in the lives of others together. Thanks and blessings, Kelly 🙂
Any of the recipe books, as I love to cook wholesome food for my family. And “A Beginner’s Guide to Assembling a Natural Medicine Cabinet” – something I have not done but would love to do if I just had the know-how. Almost all the books look great to me, though!
Hi, Monika. I agree. There are so many great books in this bundle! Just to clarify, the bundle itself is not included in the kindle giveaway. I just wanted to be sure to note that as there’s been some confusion on that due to the way the question is worded in the above giveaway. So if you’re excited about all of these amazing books, I hope you’ll partner with me in purchasing the bundle here, so we can make a difference in the lives of others together. And no pressure, if you are not interested in purchasing the bundle. I just wanted to be sure that everyone knows that the bundle isn’t part of the giveaway. Thanks and blessings, Kelly
I am most interested in the Farewell Fatigue and the Infertility books. I had a lot of trouble getting pregnant with my first son. Now I am even more overweight and have PCOS…. I want to have another baby but am worried it wont happen.
Hi, Naomi. I just prayed for you that God will bring peace to your heart. There are certainly some wonderful resources here that may shed some light on strategies to help increase your fertility and provide release from fatigue. So if you are led to purchase this bundle, I hope you will do so here, as I will be giving 50% of proceeds to Samaritan’s Purse and would love to have you partner with me on that. And just to clarify, the bundle itself is not included in the kindle giveaway. I just wanted to be sure to note that as there’s been some confusion on that due to the way the question is worded in the above giveaway. So if you’re excited about all of these amazing books, I hope you’ll partner with me in purchasing the bundle here, so we can make a difference in the lives of others together. And no pressure, if you are not interested in purchasing the bundle. I just wanted to be sure that everyone knows that the bundle isn’t part of the giveaway. Thanks and blessings, Kelly
the body products books, and essential oil intrigue me, a kindle would insure that i would read them. !!
Thank you for the opportunity
Hi, Camille. You are so welcome. Just to clarify, the bundle itself is not included in the kindle giveaway. I just wanted to be sure to note that as there’s been some confusion on that due to the way the question is worded in the above giveaway. So if you’re excited about all of these amazing books, I hope you’ll partner with me in purchasing the bundle here, so we can make a difference in the lives of others together. And no pressure, if you are not interested in purchasing the bundle. I just wanted to be sure that everyone knows that the bundle isn’t part of the giveaway. Thanks and blessings, Kelly
Creative ways to calm your baby and eat your way to parenthood. I believe the latter can help me soothe my baby with different methods and therefore calm me. Eating healthy is a new thing in our household. We are trying to eat healthier, wholesome food for our well-being.
Hi, Bridgette! Thanks for you note. There are certainly many wonderful books on healthy eating and baby care in this bundle, which it sounds like would be a real blessing to you. Just to clarify, the bundle itself is not included in the kindle giveaway. I just wanted to be sure to note that as there’s been some confusion on that due to the way the question is worded in the above giveaway. So if you’re excited about all of these amazing books, I hope you’ll partner with me in purchasing the bundle here, so we can make a difference in the lives of others together. And no pressure, if you are not interested in purchasing the bundle. I just wanted to be sure that everyone knows that the bundle isn’t part of the giveaway. Thanks and blessings, Kelly
I’m excited to possibly buy the bundle. Looking into it a little more. We have a lot of allergies in our family so I want to know exactly what kind of books will have recipes for me 🙂 I’d also love to win the Kindle Fire. It would be a great way to use the recipes instead of printing them off!
Hi, Lorie! I’d love for you to purchase the bundle here if you decide it’s right for you, as I’ll be giving 50% of the proceeds I receive directly to Samaritan’s Purse, so it would be awesome to partner with you. And I wish you the best in the giveaway. The new Kindle Fire looks awesome, too bad I can’t enter. LOL! I’m not sure what allergies you are dealing with, but I do have many recipes here that are gluten- and grain-free as well as dairy-free. Thanks for your kind note! Lots of blessings, Kelly
The heavenly homemakers meal plans – love her blog, and really in need of some prepared real food meal plans!
Hi, Jennifer. I agree. Laura’s site is such a blessing! Also … Just to clarify, the bundle itself is not included in the kindle giveaway. I just wanted to be sure to note that as there’s been some confusion on that due to the way the question is worded. So if you’re digging all these amazing books, I hope you’ll partner with me in purchasing the bundle here, so we can make a difference in the lives of others together. And no pressure, if you are not interested in purchasing the bundle. I just wanted to be sure that everyone knows that the bundle isn’t part of the giveaway. Thanks and blessings, Kelly
Wow! What a good selection of books. I think I really would like the Real Food on a Real Budget because my daughter and I are on a tight budget and I believe it will give me some great tips.
Hi, Kelli! Thanks for you note. Just to clarify, the bundle itself is not included in the kindle giveaway. I just wanted to be sure to note that as there’s been some confusion on that due to the way the question is worded. So if you’re digging all these amazing books, I hope you’ll partner with me in purchasing the bundle here, so we can make a difference in the lives of others together. And no pressure, if you are not interested in purchasing the bundle. I just wanted to be sure that everyone knows that the bundle isn’t part of the giveaway. Thanks and blessings, Kelly 🙂
I would like to read Sweet Freedom as my daughter has a severe egg allergy.
Hi, Christine. I pray that you are able to find some great encouragement and help with your daughter’s egg allergy. I know my friend Adrienne at Whole New Mom, is a great resource for recipes and help with avoiding eggs. Just to clarify, the bundle itself is not included in the kindle giveaway. I just wanted to be sure to note that as there’s been some confusion on that due to the way the question is worded in the above giveaway. So if you’re excited about all of these amazing books, I hope you’ll partner with me in purchasing the bundle here, so we can make a difference in the lives of others together. And no pressure, if you are not interested in purchasing the bundle. I just wanted to be sure that everyone knows that the bundle isn’t part of the giveaway. Thanks and blessings, Kelly
High Protein, no powder – need this!!!
Excellent choice! That is a book my friend Tiffany wrote and it’s truly fantastic. If you opt to purchase the bundle, thank you in advance for partnering with me to help make a difference in the lives of others. I truly appreciate it. Blessings to you! 🙂 Kelly
The green cleaning books are first up for me
Hi, Jane. Thanks for sharing and partnering with me to make a difference in the lives of others. I so appreciate it! Blessings, Kelly 🙂
What a neat bundle. I’ve never had an electronic reading device and I think it would be neat to win one and try it. Thanks for the giveaway!
My pleasure! Thanks for partnering with me to make a difference in other’s lives. Best wishes on the giveaway! Blessings, Kelly 🙂
I’d start with one of the food allergy books, Energy Explosion, and Winter Nature Study,…. I think. So many good options to choose from!
I agree, Carma! There are lots of great books to choose from! Thanks for partnering with me to make a difference in the lives of others. Many blessings, Kelly 🙂
The sweet under the allergy section:)
Awesome book! Thanks for partnering with me, Karen, in making a difference in the lives of others. Blessings to you, Kelly
Nourishing Cookies for a Healthy Holiday
Great book for sure, especially with Christmas right around the corner. Thanks so much for purchasing the bundle here and partnering with me to make a difference in others lives. I truly appreciate it! Blessings to you, Kelly
I’m intrigued by the book “Steeped,” so I would probably want to read that one first!
Agree! There are SO many great books in this bundle. It’s hard to know where to start 🙂 Thanks so much for purchasing the bundle here and partnering with me to make a difference in others lives. I truly appreciate it! Blessings to you, Kelly
What a great idea to put this bundle together & I love Samaritan’s Purse. You are a blessing Kelly!
You are a blessing! Thanks so much for purchasing the bundle here and partnering with me to make a difference in others lives. I truly appreciate it! Blessings to you, Kelly
I just purchased the bundle and I have no clue what I’m going to read first! There are so many great choices!!
I agree. I am reading Unwired first. Sarah Mae is an amazingly gifted writer and I also am trying out some of the smoothies from my friend Tiffany’s High Protein No Powder book and Beth’s The Breakfast Revolution book. Yum! Thanks so much for purchasing the bundle here and partnering with me to make a difference in others lives. I truly appreciate it! Blessings to you, Kelly 🙂
The Essential Oils Handbook is the one I’m currently reading.
That is one area I plan to learn more about too! I’ve only tried a handful of essential oils, so I’d love to learn more as well. Thanks so much for partnering with me to make a difference in the lives of others. Blessings to you, Kelly 🙂
This bundle looks incredible!! Lots of great information to read!
To answer the question… the oiler’s handbook would be my first choice to read!
I agree, Michelle. They didn’t mess around here – this bundle truly is the ultimate! 🙂 Thanks for partnering with me to make a difference in the lives of others! Blessings, Kelly 🙂
I would probably read one of the meal planning books or one of the essential oils books.
I’m with you – love meal planning! 🙂 Thanks for partnering with me to make a difference in the lives of others! Blessings, Kelly 🙂
What a great bundle! I’d probably start with the sugar detox book.
I agree, Amy. This bundle truly is the ultimate resource! 🙂 Thanks for partnering with me to make a difference in the lives of others! Blessings, Kelly 🙂
Natural health!
Good choice, Lis! 🙂 Thanks for partnering with me to make a difference in the lives of others! Blessings, Kelly 🙂
I would read ‘How to Grow and Use Culinary Herbs’
Great book! This bundle truly is the ultimate! 🙂 Thanks for partnering with me to make a difference in the lives of others! Blessings, Kelly 🙂
real food on a real budget
Love that book! Great choice! 🙂 Thanks for partnering with me to make a difference in the lives of others! Blessings, Kelly 🙂
I am definitely looking forward to reading about meal planning & how to incorporate more real foods. And how to use essential oils. 🙂
Thanks, friend! I’m also looking forward to learning more about essential oils! Thanks for partnering with me to make a difference in the lives of others! Blessings, Kelly 🙂
Your bundle is amazing, Keep me reading for years LOL
I agree, Judith. They didn’t mess around here – this bundle truly is the ultimate! 🙂 Thanks for partnering with me to make a difference in the lives of others! Blessings, Kelly 🙂
So many choices–I’d start with Dehydrating.
Excellent choice, Barb! 🙂 Thanks for partnering with me to make a difference in the lives of others! Blessings, Kelly 🙂
I’d probably start in the healthy babies section and read the Confessions of a Cloth Diaper Convert! I love my cloth diapers but have a few questions and would love to learn more!
I am sure you’ll love, Erin’s cloth diapering book. It truly is the best resource for learning everything about cloth diapering 🙂 Thanks for partnering with me to make a difference in the lives of others! Blessings, Kelly 🙂
How to choose? I think Steeped: Simple Nourishing Teas and Treats would be good to start with. I love tea.
I hear you, Jennifer! They didn’t mess around here – this bundle truly is the ultimate! 🙂 Thanks for partnering with me to make a difference in the lives of others! Blessings, Kelly 🙂
Wow, I’d be busy reading for a very long time!
True! There are lots of great books – I’m giving some away as gifts. 🙂
I would love to win this! I love books, but would love to have an organized tablet for use in my kitchen 🙂
I’d love to get a Kindle too – but I can’t enter – LOL!! Just to clarify. The giveaway is for the kindle only, so if you want to take advantage of all these great books and resources for such a great price, tomorrow (Nov 9) by 11:59pm is the deadline. No pressure, just wanted to be sure to clarify. Blessings to you, Kelly 🙂
yes! i actually did purchase the bundle through your site! the first i’ve ever taken advantage of an ebook bundle 🙂 but i wanted part of the profits as you say, to go to someone with needs. so thanks for that. that’s why i purchased through your site! thanks for all you do, by the way. i appreciate your blog and am exploring starting one of my own. always intimidating 🙂
Thank you so much for purchasing the bundle here. I appreciate you partnering with me. I’m happy to share that together we raised more than $900 for Samaritan’s Purse! Thanks for your kind words. I am so happy you’re enjoying this site and finding it to be an encouragement to you. Blessings, Kelly 🙂
What a great offer and giveaway! Thanks so much. I think it’s a toss-up to read either Real Food on a Real Budget or Family Friendly Allergen-Free first.
Excellent choices, Jenny! Thanks for partnering with me to make a difference in the lives of others! 🙂 Blessings, Kelly
I would read the 60 day Juice fast. As I already blend my breakfast. Wondering how to take it farther.
Excellent choices, Eleni! Thanks for partnering with me to make a difference in the lives of others! Blessings, Kelly
Meal planning prep books.
Excellent choices, Coleen! Thanks for partnering with me to make a difference in the lives of others! Blessings, Kelly
I would read Homemade Health and Beauty first
Excellent choices, Edi! Thanks for partnering with me to make a difference in the lives of others! Blessings, Kelly
I would like to read Questions to Ask Your Dentist. Thanks for the chance to win!
My pleasure! 🙂 Thanks for partnering with me to make a difference in the lives of others!
High Protein No Powder
Great choice, Marisa! Thanks for entering the kindle giveaway. I just wanted to be sure to note that as there’s been some confusion on that and I would hate for anyone to miss out on the bundle with less than a couple hours until the sale ends at 11:59pm Nov 9. So if you’re excited about all of these amazing books, I hope you’ll partner with me in purchasing the bundle here, so we can make a difference in the lives of others together. And no pressure, if you are not interested in purchasing the bundle. I just wanted to be sure that everyone knows that the bundle isn’t part of the giveaway. Thanks and blessings, Kelly
The Nourished Metabolism!!!
Great choice, Aymee! Thanks for entering the kindle giveaway. I just wanted to be sure to note that as there’s been some confusion on that and I would hate for anyone to miss out on the bundle with less than a couple hours until the sale ends at 11:59pm Nov 9. So if you’re excited about all of these amazing books, I hope you’ll partner with me in purchasing the bundle here, so we can make a difference in the lives of others together. And no pressure, if you are not interested in purchasing the bundle. I just wanted to be sure that everyone knows that the bundle isn’t part of the giveaway. Thanks and blessings, Kelly
I would love to read the book on infertility.
Thanks for a great giveaway!
You are so welcome, Karen! And you’re right the infertility books are so helpful and there are so many great books in this bundle overall! Just to clarify, the bundle itself is not included in the kindle giveaway. I just wanted to be sure to note that as there’s been some confusion on that and I would hate for anyone to miss out on the bundle with less than a couple hours until the sale ends at 11:59pm Nov 9. So if you’re excited about all of these amazing books, I hope you’ll partner with me in purchasing the bundle here, so we can make a difference in the lives of others together. And no pressure, if you are not interested in purchasing the bundle. I just wanted to be sure that everyone knows that the bundle isn’t part of the giveaway. Thanks and blessings, Kelly
Sure would love to win this:) Thank you!
Thanks for entering the giveaway and best wishes to you! Just to clarify, the bundle itself is not included in the kindle giveaway. I just wanted to be sure to note that as there’s been some confusion on that and I would hate for anyone to miss out on the bundle with less than a couple hours until the sale ends at 11:59pm Nov 9. So if you’re excited about all of these amazing books, I hope you’ll partner with me in purchasing the bundle here, so we can make a difference in the lives of others together. And no pressure, if you are not interested in purchasing the bundle. I just wanted to be sure that everyone knows that the bundle isn’t part of the giveaway. Thanks and blessings, Kelly
I want to read Gabriel’s Inferno so probably that 😀 thanks for this!
You are so welcome, Nasha. Just to clarify, the bundle itself is not included in the kindle giveaway. I just wanted to be sure to note that as there’s been some confusion on that and I would hate for anyone to miss out on the bundle with less than a couple hours until the sale ends at 11:59pm Nov 9. So if you’re excited about all of these amazing books, I hope you’ll partner with me in purchasing the bundle here, so we can make a difference in the lives of others together. And no pressure, if you are not interested in purchasing the bundle. I just wanted to be sure that everyone knows that the bundle isn’t part of the giveaway. Thanks and blessings, Kelly
Wow, this is amazing! The Kindle Fire alone is amazing and then you load it up with all those books? WoW! Thank you for this opportunity!!!!!!!!!!
Hi, Sandi. I agree. There are so many great books in this bundle! Just to clarify, the bundle itself is not included in the kindle giveaway. I just wanted to be sure to note that as there’s been some confusion on that and I would hate for anyone to miss out on the bundle with less than a couple hours until the sale ends at 11:59pm Nov 9. So if you’re excited about all of these amazing books, I hope you’ll partner with me in purchasing the bundle here, so we can make a difference in the lives of others together. And no pressure, if you are not interested in purchasing the bundle. I just wanted to be sure that everyone knows that the bundle isn’t part of the giveaway. Thanks and blessings, Kelly