(This book review contains an amazon affiliate link, see full *disclosure below.)
It’s not often that I do a Christian book review. In fact, since publishing the 5 Books the Lord has Used to Change My Life, I’m sad to say that I haven’t shared more of the amazing books God has used to continue to challenge and grow me in my walk with Him (and calling to love Him, my family and others more).
Well … that’s about to change … Each month (starting today), I plan to share with you one book that the Lord has used (is using) to continue to mold me into the image of His Blessed Son.
And this month, I couldn’t be more excited about sharing a new book by Courtney Joseph at Women Living Well Ministries. When this sweet sister mailed me an advance copy of her soon-to-be-released book, “Women Living Well: Find Your Joy in God, Your Man, Your Kids, and Your Home,” I knew I was about to have my socks blessed off … and oh boy, was I right!
Women Living Well thoroughly equips women to joyfully, obediently and faithfully walk with the King by providing practical steps to:
• Enrich your life through studying God’s Word and communing with Him in prayer – to find peace and rest in Him alone, and to build deeper intimacy through practical ways to achieve quiet time alone with Him, no matter the season of life you’re in.
• Cherish and grow in your marriage – to love your husband more fully as the Lord calls us to do and experience the joy of growing in your role as His helpmeet to the glory of God.
• Purposefully parent your children – learning how to better handle anger, disappointment and less-than-perfect parenting days by following biblical principles that help you to love, discipline, teach and train your children through modeling a life centered in Christ.
• Embrace your role as homemaker – learning to find meaning in the seemingly mundane, making your home a haven, and establishing routines that bring rest and balance.
Wholeheartedly, I consider Women Living Well one book that every Christian wife and mother should read. And the great news is … Courtney has a wonderful gift she’s providing to everyone who preorders her book. It’s a 10 eBook bundle for FREE that you’ll receive when you simply email Courtney a copy of your Amazon receipt (offer available through September 30, 2013).
I’m honored that my Healthy Ice Pops book is part of this freebie book bundle! I wanted to support Courtney’s prelaunch event, because this book is so transformational and empowering! My prayer is that this special giveaway will encourage more women to purchase Women Living Well
and reap the blessed benefits that come from putting Courtney’s biblically-based approach to Living Well into practice.
There’s nothing more important than fostering our faith, building our marriage, training our children, and creating a haven for our family within our homes. If you agree and are looking for an inspiring, helpful resource to help you walk more closely with the King and find true joy and contentment in Him and those He’s placed in your life, then this book is definitely for you!
Joyfully Serving Him, Kelly
Thank you SO much Kelly for taking the time to read Women Living Well and for your kind words here! I am so very grateful for your generosity.
Lots of Love,
You are SO welcome, Courtney! Your book truly has been an amazing resource to me personally and I hope that more women will be blessed by your wisdom and love for the Lord. God bless you for your faithful service to HIM! 🙂 Blessings and love in Christ, Kelly