Muffins make such a tasty and nutritious breakfast-on-the-go option, especially when they’re filled with wholesome fruits and veggies like these scrumptious Morning Glory Muffins!
You might be wondering (or not) why these little treats are named morning glory? Is that just something I made up, or is there a reason for the name?
Glad you asked (or are hopefully wondering now that I mentioned it) … One of my latest passions is to research the history of traditional and regional recipes. It might sound strange, but I absolutely get jazzed about learning the stories behind some of our favorite classic foods, like these hodge-podge muffins.
I’m sharing this delectable recipe and a little about its history over at Honeyville Farms today. So please pop over to get the recipe and learn just a little about how these tasty treats came about. Nothing fancy, just a little fun fact that may come in handy if you’re ever on Jeopardy or playing Trivial Pursuit. (Does anyone do that anymore?). Or of course, if you’re a food nerd like me.
I can’t get the link to work?
Martha, you are a gem! Thank you for letting me know that I completely forgot to include the link. I am so sorry! LOL! I’ve fixed the post, thanks to YOU! Here’s the link so you don’t have to travel all the way back here to get it:
Thanks again!! Blessings, Kelly
Definitely going to have to grab this recipe! What a yummy looking muffin! I love having muffins around the house. They make such a good snack for my boys. Love your blog, Kelly!
Thanks, Jen! I appreciate you popping over for a visit. I really love your site! Blessings, Kelly 🙂